Advertising Principles & Practice | Project 2 Submission

by - November 02, 2017

13/10/17 - 3/11/17
Week 7 - Week 9

Leanne Faye 0327020
Advertising Principles & Practice
Project 2: Media Strategy

13/10/17 Week 7
Today's lecture is all about advertising message and choice of media. This week, Vicky and I presented the lecture. So we started of by explaining the definition of media and new media. Both are used for the purpose of advertising. Next, media strategy. Media strategy describes how advertisers will achieve the stated media objectives: which media will be used, where, how often and when. Media strategy is a process of analyzing and choosing media for an advertising campaign. Then, we showed examples of ad that the chosen medium is the message, whereby the type of media chosen has a significant role in relaying the advertising message significantly. The big idea is intertwined with the type of media. Moving on, we explained the 5Ms, which are factors that goes into developing a media strategy.

  • Market
  • Money 
  • Media  
  • Mechanics
  • Methodology

In depth explanation of market is influencing the message are market considerations. The market refers to the various targets of the media plan: trade and consumer audiences; global, national, regional audiences; ethnic and socioeconomic groups; or other stakeholders. Second, money, it is based on intuition, marketing savvy and analytical skill, budget size and allocation is determined. Third, media, it includes all communication channels available to the marketer. Fourth, mechanics. Mechanics is the different medias come with complex mechanics of advertising media and messages. Radio and TV ads come in a variety of time slots and Print ads come in different sizes and styles. Last but not least, methodology. The methodology element refers to the overall media strategy of selecting and scheduling media channels to achieve the desired message weight, reach, frequency, and continuity objectives. It offers the opportunity for creativity in planning, negotiating and buying.

27/10/17 Week 8
No lecture.

Project 2 (20%)  

The Brief 
Advertising Campaign: Media Mix (or Strategy)

Duration of Assignment 2 
Weeks (Briefing on Week 7)

Week 9

The student now has the task of developing an Advertising Campaign – a total of 5 ads across different/same media – for The Design School @Taylor’s University. Utilising the insights researched (Project 2) and the ideas developed (Project 1), choose the most effective combination for the target audience (consumer) in context of the local market. The most important, is an idea with legs, and one that resonates with the target audience (consumer).

In part 1 of the advertising campaign, the focus is on developing the media mix, which media will be used, where, and when. A media mix is a “combination of advertising channels employed in meeting the promotional objectives of a marketing plan or campaign”. It is the process of analysing and choosing media for an advertising campaign.

What are the considerations for choosing the media mix? Arens & Schaefer (2005) suggest the 5Ms: Market, Money, Media, Mechanics and Methodology (Please refer to the PowerPoint presentation on Advertising Message & Media Strategy).

The brand: The Design School @Taylor’s University 
The product: The Design School (See figure 1.) 
SMP/USP: Nurturing The Hybrid Designer Of The Future. 
Target Audience: Gen Y.

The student must document the above analysis in their eportfolio and A4 hardcopy portfolio. The results of the analysis must be collated and presented in a PowerPoint presentation. This will be uploaded to your eportfolio and printed as thumbnail slides 4 per-page for your A3 clear sheet hardcopy portfolio. The use of visuals, diagrams, charts, time-lines are highly encouraged.

1. All gathered information (printouts, websites, images, charts, etc.) documented chronologically in the A4 Clear Sheet folder. The works must be labelled and dated. 
2. All gathered information (screen grabs, websites, images, charts, etc.) documented logically and chronologically in the eportfolio for every week, for the duration of the project in one post. 
3. Powerpoint presentation of final analysis and choice of the media mix with relevant visuals, diagrams, charts, time-lines included, along the lines of the 5Ms. Printed as a hand outs, 4 slides per page and presented.

1. To develop students ability to synthesise knowledge. 2. To develop students ability to gain and utilise insight for effective advertising 3. To develop students ability to determine a media mix based on analysis.

Online Advertising: Banner Ads

Online advertising also called web advertising, is a form of marketing and advertising which uses the Internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers.

Online advertisements are purchased through one of the following common vehicles:

  • Cost per Thousand (CPM): Advertisers pay when their messages are exposed to specific audiences. 
  • Cost per Click (CPC): Advertisers pay every time a user clicks on their ads. 
  • Cost per Action (CPA): Advertisers only pay when a specific action (generally a purchase) is performed. 
Examples of online advertising include banner ads, search engine results pages, social networking ads, email spam, online classified ads, pop-ups, contextual ads and spyware.


From Project 1, I learned that members of Gen Y/Millennials are socially networked and digitally savvy. This generation grows up with computers, they have been shaped in familiarity with information and communication tools. This media is easily accessible on electronic devices and provides up-to-date information that is tailored to Gen Y.

Web advertising can expand awareness of your company and encompass an entirely new set of potential customers. Using an effective pay per click campaign or organic search methods, the company website can draw visitors from around the globe or locally.

Advertising on websites can also be interactive and allows participation. One of Gen Y’s characteristic is having short span of attention and websites advertisement are eye-catching but yet not too “in-your-face” kind of advertisement.

Rapid penetration of the Internet, especially broadband, has resulted in increased usage and strong growth of all types of websites over the last ten years. Website traffic is largely driven by Generation Y, the heaviest Internet users.

“Over the last ten years we have seen strong growth in all website categories as the internet continues to become more accessible and ingrained in our lifestyles. Websites are now such an integral part of everyday life they have even managed to acquire space in contemporary language with phrases such as ‘Google it’ having become common expressions.” (Morris, 2012)

Fig 1.1

The chart shows the percentage of Gen Y members using or interested in digital technologies. This proves that Gen Y are highly socially connected and often are the first to adopt new technology trends, lest they be seen as “falling behind”. 

Millennials consume from their mobile devices, therefore making sure all electronic content is mobile-compatible is crucial.

Fig 1.2

The chart shows the percentage of respondents who completely or somewhat trust advertising format by Generation. It shows that Gen Y relatively have the highest level of trust in nearly all advertising formats.

The box indicates the percentage of millennials that trust in branded websites. It is the second highest percentage of 75%, next to ‘recommendation from people they know’ which is 85%.

  • Speed and Timeliness. The digital realm offers publishing at a fraction of the time it takes for printing and distribution of print media. Even traditional broadcast media adhere to scheduled broadcasts that can affect the types of ads you create for these future broadcasts. If you notice a mistake in your ad, it is too late to correct it once it's published. In contrast, Web page advertising offers instantaneous publishing of materials and gives you the opportunity to fine-tune the ad or correct any mistakes even after publishing. Furthermore, these ads usually persist 24/7/365 until you decide to take them down. (Taylor, n.s.) 
  • Low Cost. Web page advertising offers a low-cost alternative to traditional advertising mediums. While producing television and radio ads can cost several thousand dollars, creating a Web page or banner ad requires minimal monetary investment. Once created, there are several free or low-cost resources to drive traffic to your Web page promotions, or you can purchase inexpensive banner spots on similar Web pages to encourage product awareness. (Taylor, n.s.) 
  • Target Marketing. Market segmentation and target marketing are more effective on the Internet than any other advertising medium. Strategically placed Web advertisements can achieve 100-percent relevant views. Advertising on an education-oriented website can maximize the impact of the advertising exposure. (Taylor, n.s.)


Fig 1.3

Compilation of Skype webpage banner ads. The ads includes logo, headline, tagline, visuals and a hyperlink to direct people to watch the video. Information is displayed orderly and clear.

Fig 1.4

Compilation of Dropbox webpage banner ads. The ads includes logo, headline, tagline, minimal visuals and a hyperlink to direct people to try the application. Information is displayed orderly and clear.

How and When?
Considering that website traffic is largely driven by Generation Y, the heaviest Internet users, advertising on an educational website or online learning websites can maximize the impact of the advertising exposure. These education related websites are often visited by students from Generation Y (age 15-20).

Although advertising on websites have no particular time to do so if we are advertising globally, however, advertising regionally will have its peak traffic hours and period of time. The so-called, internet rush hour, is typically between 7pm and 9pm, regardless of time zone. This is the time when most users have arrived at home from work or school, have completed their commute, dinner and other responsibilities, and have settled in to the internet for the evening.

Peak period of time to do so is also near or after secondary education examination, where students will be seeking where to further their studies.

Social Media

Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Websites and applications dedicated to forums, microblogging, social networking, social bookmarking, social curation, and wikis are among the different types of social media. (Rouse, 2016)

Most Popular Forms of Social Media:
  • Facebook 
  • Twitter 
  • Pinterest 
  • Instagram 
"Social media essentially is a category of online media where people are talking, participating, sharing, networking, and bookmarking online." (Jones, 2009)

The social media revolution was inevitable. With the pace at which technology was and is changing, it was just a matter of time (and not too much time) before people would start to get involved, get passionate and drive the success of the innovative and exciting tool that is social media. Also, the fact that it started out with people using it for personal reasons did not in any way dilute the strength that social media has for businesses now and in the future. (Cohn, n.s.)

Social media advertising helps businesses find new potential clients by using users’ own shared information to identify interest. Rather than reactively targeting users who search a certain term, social media advertising proactively targets relevant users before they even begin their search. (Ganguly, 2015)

Advertising through social media is powerful because you can target your exact demographic. It can help reach people based on demographics. Run laser-targeted advertisements to people based on their interests and online behaviors. Targeting specific ages, locations, income levels, and much more.

It is one of the easiest, least expensive, and most effective ways to gain exposure and to strengthen your business’s reputation. (Cohn, n.s.)

Members of Gen Y/Millennials are socially networked and digitally savvy. A strong online presence is a must for marketing to this group. This includes blogs and social media as this group likes to interact with brands.

Millennials consume from their mobile devices, therefore, it is right to make sure all electronic content is mobile-compatible and social media is the most mobile-friendly media out of all other online or digital media. Millennials are the least likely generation to be responsive to traditional media. (Hayden, n.s.)
Social medias are now a substantial part of every marketing strategy, and the benefits of using social media are so great that anyone not implementing this cost-effective resource is missing out on a phenomenal marketing opportunity.

Fig 1.5

The chart shows the effectiveness rate for business-to-consumer social media platforms. It shows that Facebook has the highest rate of effectiveness and Youtube coming in second.

Consumers go to different social media channels with different goals and mindsets. Facebook provides a fun and entertaining diversion from work.

Fig 1.6

The chart shows the percentage of active users of the top social platforms, by age. It shows that Instagram has the highest rate of Gen Y members (age 16-34) who are active users of that platform. Tumblr coming in second. The black box indicates the colour code of Generation Y age group in the chart.

Fig 1.7

The chart shows the percentage of most important social networks among Generation Y members. It shows that Instagram is the most important social media among teens with Twitter coming in second.


  • Increased Brand Awareness. Social media is one of the most cost-efficient digital marketing methods used to syndicate content and increase your business’ visibility. Implementing a social media strategy will greatly increase your brand recognition since you will be engaging with a broad audience of consumers. (Unknown, n.s.) 
  • Gain Marketplace Insights. One of the most valuable advantages of social media is marketplace insight. Using social media as a complementary research tool can help gain information that will aid you in understanding your industry. Another insightful aspect of social media marketing is the ability to segment your content syndication lists based on topic, and identify which types of content generate the most impressions. These tools give you the ability to measure conversions based on posts on various social media platforms to find the perfect combination for generating revenue. (Unknown, n.s.) 
  • Better Customer Satisfaction. Social media is a networking and communication platform. Creating a voice for the company through these platforms is important in humanizing your company. Customers appreciate knowing that when they post comments on your pages, they will receive a personalized response rather than an automated message. Being able to acknowledge each comment shows that you are attentive of your visitors’ needs and aim to provide the best experience. (Unknown, n.s.)
Examples (Instagram)

Fig 1.8

Fig 1.9

Examples of Instagram ads by Starbucks and NY Times. Both also have slightly different layout display. Both provided sufficient information and able to direct viewers straight to install the apps or to find out more.

Examples (Twitter)

Fig 1.10

Fig 1.11

Example of Twitter ads by Coca-cola Co. and Louis Vuitton. Both ads have slightly different layout display. Logo, headlines and link that directs viewers to their webpage.

Examples (Facebook)

Fig 1.12

Fig 1.13

Example of Facebook ads by Nike and Microsoft surface. Both ads have slightly different layout display. Elements included also differs. However, both shows logo, headlines and visuals clearly.

How and When? (Instagram)

Fig 1.14

This figure shows the best time to post on Instagram. Instagram audiences are engaged throughout the week. Mondays should maybe get a little more attention. 
  • Monday and Thursday at any time other than 3–4 p.m. 
  • Videos any day at 9 p.m.–8 a.m. 
  • Experiment with 2 a.m., 5 p.m., and Wednesday at 7 p.m. 

General best times to post on Instagram: 
  • 8–9 a.m. 
  • 2 a.m. 
  • 5 p.m.

How and When? (Twitter)

Fig 1.15

This figure shows the best time to post on Twitter. The optimal times to tweet are 12–3 p.m., with a peak best time at 5 p.m. During the workweek is the best, though some niches might have more active audiences on the weekend. 
  • Wednesday at noon and 5–6 p.m. 
  • Monday–Friday at 12–3 p.m. and 5 p.m. 
  • Experiment with 2–3 a.m., 6–7 a.m., and 9–10 p.m. 
When to tweet in general to increase retweets and clickthroughs: 
  • 5–6 p.m. 
  • 3 p.m.
  • Noon specifically. 

How and When? (Facebook)

Fig 1.16

This figure shows the best time to post on Facebook. The best time to post on Facebook is 1–4 p.m. late into the week and on weekends. 
  • Saturday and Sunday at 12–1 p.m. 
  • Thursday and Friday at 1–4 p.m. 
  • Wednesday at 3 p.m. 
When to post on Facebook in general to increase your shares and clickthroughs: 
  • 1 p.m. 
  • 3 p.m. 
  • 9 a.m.

In conclusion, the media mix/strategy is the combination of advertising channels employed in meeting the promotional objectives of the marketing plan or campaign and to maximise the exposure of brand.

From the insights obtained in Project 1, it proves that TDS lacks brand awareness despite being rewarded QS World: #1 Private University in Malaysia (Art & Design) 2016 & 2017. TDS even lacks brand awareness amongst other faculties in Taylor’s University. Thus, I chose media that optimizes brand awareness among targeted audience (Gen Y) which is online advertising (banner ads) and social media.

The media is to deliver the series of advertisement smoothly and provide feedback from visitors by tracking user statistics & number of clicks. The campaign will be timely and the media chosen allows us to change and update quick. Through the campaign, the brand is targeted to be more widely known and gain more recognition to earn more loyal consumers and reach a larger audience.

Bibliography (APA)

  • What is Online Advertising? - Definition from Techopedia. (2017). Retrieved 26 October 2017, from
  • Online Advertising: Learn About Advertising Online | WordStream. (2017). Retrieved 26 October 2017, from
  • Marketing to Gen Y Consumers - Today's Business. (2017). Today's Business. Retrieved 26 October 2017, from
  • Morgan, R. (2012). Where are Generation Y heading online?. Roy Morgan. Retrieved 26 October 2017, from
  • Hayden, M. Marketing to Different Generations - Six Degrees. Six Degrees. Retrieved 26 October 2017, from
  • Lister, M. (2017). Generational Marketing: How to Target Millennials, Gen X, & Boomers | WordStream. Retrieved 26 October 2017, from
  • Millennials Are Most Trusting When it Comes to Advertising. (2015). Retrieved 26 October 2017, from
  • Taylor, C. The Advantages of Using Web Pages As Advertisement. Retrieved 26 October 2017, from
  • Katai, R. (2016). 27 Brilliant Banner Ads Examples from Tech Industry. Retrieved 26 October 2017, from
  • Novak, K. (2014). What Hours Are Peak Website Traffic Hours? - Growtraffic Blog. Growtraffic Blog. Retrieved 26 October 2017, from
  • Ward, S. (2016). Why Social Media Is Such a Great Opportunity for Your Small Business. The Balance. Retrieved 26 October 2017, from
  • Rouse, M. What is social media? - Definition from Retrieved 26 October 2017, from
  • Cohn, M. The Impact of Social Media on Advertising. CompuKol Communications. Retrieved 26 October 2017, from
  • Marketing to Gen Y Consumers - Today's Business. Today's Business. Retrieved 26 October 2017, from
  • Online Advertising: Learn About Advertising Online | WordStream. Retrieved 26 October 2017, from
  • Social Media Advertising Services - #1 For Traffic, Sales, & Conversions. LYFE Marketing. Retrieved 26 October 2017, from
  • 10 Advantages of Social Media Marketing for Your Business. (2017). Retrieved 26 October 2017, from
  • Delzio, S. (2016). New Research Reveals Paid Social Media Effectiveness. Retrieved 26 October 2017, from

Final Slides

Week 7
For Project 1, mention the insights and the big idea and strategy briefly in your introduction. Analysis of data must be included in your conclusion. Some information provided is private and confidential. Therefore, source as anonymous. Opinions are valid but it is not considered a fact so make it known that it's an opinion. Add mini conclusion on each competitors. Lastly, sum up all 3 areas of insight and analyse all conclusion. For the idea sketches exercise, explore more on the icons for the affix/assembling one. Try using legos, puzzle, post-its and colour pencils as legs for the pantone idea. You can try to attempt the superwoman, into a silhouette or an element that can immediately allow viewers to know who is it without showing directly due to copyright issues.

Week 8

Please include your forum post under each lecture. Your eportfolio is well organized, good work there.

Week 9


Week 7
In this week's lecture, Vicky and I presented together. Limited time was given to us to read through the slides so we were learning and understanding while presenting. The slides was short but there was a lot of information to understand. After the lecture, Mr. Vinod gave general feedback to us regarding project 1 as many of us had made huge mistakes in. He told us what to correct and how to fix it. Later then, we filter our ideas and narrowing down to 3-4 ideas. We were then asked to produce "legs" for it.

When presenting with Vicky, I realised that we learn better as a group. Although we needed Mr. Vinod to help in explaining some parts, but we understand better when we have to present it to the class, instead of just writing notes when Mr. Vinod gives a lecture. In project 1, I observed that many of us did not analyse the data and information gathered. Thus, most of us had amendments to do. During the discussion on idea sketches, it fun seeing us as a group, giving ideas to each other because we all have different perspective on things.

From project 1, I learned that we were tasked to not only gather information but also analyse the data which most of us did not achieve. Analysing the data proves that we read and understood the data. It also proves that we know what we observed and examined the details, and how we interpret it our own words. For the ideas sketches, everyone has come out with good and creative ideas after so many weeks of sketching. Although many of my ideas were rejected, but the good thing is I find it easier to create "legs" after narrowing down the ideas. There is more focus in expanding the potential ideas.

Week 8

I was absent this week as I was down with a cough. My classmate informed me that we did not have any lecture this week because Mr. Vinod given them time to finish up project 2. For project 2, we were on our own because there was no information given like project 1. We did our own research and analysing.

I realised that this project have relatively lesser research and out source to do. Plus, we all chose different medias depending on the ideas we narrowed down. This project went much smoother than project 1, but there was still a lot of reading to do.


From project 2, I learned that there are umpty ways we can execute our ideas. Choice of media have to take into account the target audience which is the most important. Because what's a good ad when your target audience don't see it. There is a lot of details that goes into the choice of media, like time of the day, where, how, season of the year or month. Basically, everything matters and everything of the execution of the ad has a reason. We had to have a rough idea of the execution is going to look like after narrowing down the ideas.

Further References
Books read throughout the project.

One Show
by unknown

This book celebrates all of the qualities that go into making a successful ad campaign or design. The book includes pages more than 1,600 four-color images from the finalists and winning entries, insider perspectives from the Gold Pencil winners, a spotlight on the Client of the Year, the college competition winners, and a look into the judging process with a Judge's Choice section. This edition features the very best work from around the world from the 2008 One Show and One Show Design contests. It includes categories from print, design, integrated branding, television, and radio. this book is the must-have annual for creatives, clients, students, and anyone interested in advertising and design.

Fig 1.17  Page 24

This page is extracted from the book. This particular ad caught my attention. The client is Burger King and it is advertising their "Angus Burgers Buddies - For Kids Only". The visual shows adult men crying. I thought it is very smart and works very well even without a line supporting it. The visual tells it all. It is visually interesting and attracts attention too. The approach is humor and hilarity (although it shows men crying). This ad won a couple of awards too.

Fig 1.18 Page 52

This is also extracted from the book. I find this ad campaign impactful and strong. The client is WWF Japan, advertising campaign is to raise awareness on animal extinction. The visual shows photographs of endangered species animals that are close to extinction in low pixel density (large pixels). For example, the photograph of fox ones says "440 is not enough.". It is implicating that 440 foxes is not enough, at the same time is shows a 440 pixels photograph of a fox. Same idea but it is applied to 4 different endangered animals. The visuals are still identifiable despite having low pixel density. The approach is witty and the headline supports the visuals strongly.

Designing Brand Identity
by Alina Wheeler

This book is the fourth edition and it offers insights into current trends in social networks, mobile devices, global markets, and virtual brands as well as emerging tools such as apps and video. It teaches a three-phase process for amplifying differentiation, fueling recognition, and building brand champions. Divided into 3 parts, learning basics, process and best practices. In part 1, it presents the fundamental concepts needed to jump start the brand identity process and create a shared vocabulary for the entire team. Part 2 presents a universal brand identity process regardless of the project's scope and nature. This section answers the question "Why does it take so long?". Lastly, part 3, this part showcases best practices. Local and global, public and private, these projects inspire and exemplify original, flexible, lasting solutions.

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