Advertising Principles & Practice | Exercises

by - October 04, 2017

1/9/2017 - 27/10/17
Week 1 - Week 8

Leanne Faye 0327020
Advertising Principles & Practice

1/9/17 Week 1
No lectures. In conjunction with public holiday.

Forum Questions

My answer

8/9/2017 Week 2
Today is the first lecture for the module because there was a public holiday that fell on 1/9/17 (Friday) during week 1. So we started off by going through week 1's slides that we were asked to read on our own. In week 1 lecture, we learn what is advertising, what is its purpose, who uses it and Bill Bernach's 10 principles in advertising. In the slides, Mr. Vinod included an example of a successful advertising which is the iconic VW Beetle and Polaroid advertising campaign by DDB. Mr. Vinod also went through the slides for idea sketch exercise. Before diving into week 2 lecture, we had to complete an exercise on TiMeS about our view on advertising and which 3 Bernach's principles that we felt strongly about and why. After a short break, we continued week 2 lecture on advertising and marketing. The slides explains definitions of marketing from different organization and source. It also explains the relationship between marketing and advertising. Moving on to the idea sketches we were told to do, it was a group discussion, allowing classmates to give each other feedback, suggestion and even critic remarks. We explained our sketches, receive feedback and looked at fellow classmates ideas then give feedback as well.

Forum Questions

My answer

15/9/2017 Week 3
The keyword for today's lecture is "Creativity". We talked about from "What Is Creativity" to "How Do We Know" and "Why Do We Create". So creativity is the use of imagination or original ideas to create something. Mr. Vinod also stated that if we don't stick out of the crowd, then we lack madness. We have to be off the hinge to be creative. Mr. Vinod also went off topic a little and explained what true happiness is. "Happiness have to be dependent on ourselves" - Mr. Vinod. Next, we discussed about what is creativity in the context of advertising, which is make ideas targeted to our audience, selling a point that is relatable to target audience and be unexpected & do something that turns heads. Mr. Vinod then showed us some videos of Old Spice Ads to show us the evolution of  advertisements through out the years. Last topic on today's lecture is effective advertising message by segmenting a consumer market. There are four categories, which are:

  1. Behavioristic
  2. Geographic 
  3. Demographic
  4. Psychographic
We are then divided into 4 groups to find out information on the category given to us. I was in a group with Vicky and Amber, our category is demographics. We researched on definition, usage and types of demographic. All 4 groups then post our answers on Facebook. Mr. Vinod short feedback to us, is that we should add in an example of a situation for easy understanding.

Forum Questions

My answer

22/9/17 Week 4
No lectures. In conjunction with public holiday.

Forum Questions

My answer

29/9/17 Week 5
Today's lecture is about the roles and responsibilities of an advertising art director. Creative directors and art directors are both leaders in their profession, guiding others to create for the project they are working on. Creative directors decide on ideas and guide a company or project's overall vision; they often have business acumen and may work across departments, reporting to top executives or producers. Art directors, on the other hand, focus on the creative process.

In smaller scale corporation/agency, they only have either one profession, art director or creative director, and the job scope is taken over and played by one. Therefore, both roles complements each other and work hand in hand. They are leaders in their profession, guiding others to create for the project they are working on.

Forum Questions

My answer

6/10/17 Week 6
Today's lecture is about influence of social cultural, economical ethical and political factors in advertising. This lecture is presented my classmate Cherine and Kumail. Example in India, a closed economy, opening up their economy to foreign products and programmes. It is a cultural turning point for India. One such programme was MTV. Advertising not only reflects culture it also promotes and normalizes what would be considered foreign cultures. 

What is culture? 
  • the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society. 
  • the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively: 20th century popular culture.
We then were showed examples on how advertising uses or promote culture in advertising. One example was an ad campaign by Coca-Cola, which shows a lady of the house serving the soft drink to guests and families with a headline that says "Serve Guests Great Taste.". In many families, the arrival of guests or relatives means that the lady of the house gets down to business. She spends long hours preparing snacks and beverages for them. The act of being a good 'hostess' - or being 'formal' - makes her miss out on interesting conversations. Another topic that we learned today is how politics influence advertising. There is often a nemesis in the form of another country. In Malaysia, it is Singapore. In Japan its China. In India it is Pakistan. Then, more examples are shown of ads that uses politics to create campaigns. 

Next, we read through a long list of advertising codes of ethics in Malaysia. Following, a series of example were shown to us about a dead raccoon on the sidewalk in Toronto which was a #1 viral phenomenon. This was to show how powerful the social world is in social marketing and and advertising.

Forum Questions

My answer

13/10/17 Week 7
Today's lecture is all about advertising message and choice of media. This week, Vicky and I presented the lecture. So we started of by explaining the definition of media and new media. Both are used for the purpose of advertising. Next, media strategy. Media strategy describes how advertisers will achieve the stated media objectives: which media will be used, where, how often and when. Media strategy is a process of analyzing and choosing media for an advertising campaign. Then, we showed examples of ad that the chosen medium is the message, whereby the type of media chosen has a significant role in relaying the advertising message significantly. The big idea is intertwined with the type of media. Moving on, we explained the 5Ms, which are factors that goes into developing a media strategy.

  • Market
  • Money 
  • Media  
  • Mechanics
  • Methodology

In depth explanation of market is influencing the message are market considerations. The market refers to the various targets of the media plan: trade and consumer audiences; global, national, regional audiences; ethnic and socioeconomic groups; or other stakeholders. Second, money, it is based on intuition, marketing savvy and analytical skill, budget size and allocation is determined. Third, media, it includes all communication channels available to the marketer. Fourth, mechanics. Mechanics is the different medias come with complex mechanics of advertising media and messages. Radio and TV ads come in a variety of time slots and Print ads come in different sizes and styles. Last but not least, methodology. The methodology element refers to the overall media strategy of selecting and scheduling media channels to achieve the desired message weight, reach, frequency, and continuity objectives. It offers the opportunity for creativity in planning, negotiating and buying.

27/10/17 Week 8
No lecture.

Exercises (25%)

The Brief
Idea Sketches

Duration of Assignment
8 Weeks (Briefing on Week 1)

Week 9

This exercise spans 8 weeks. The student is given a Brand and a USP/SMP (Unique Selling Point/Single Minded Proposition) is identified. The student is to develop a minimum of 10 idea sketches every week—the more the merrier. The focus of the task is on the development of ideas—the Idea is king! Evaluate your ideas and select only the best. The sketches must be clean, clear and concise. While ideating you are only required to come up with the line and the visual— remember the twisted headline straight visual or vice-versa formula.

Rules for the Ideation process (or brainstorming).
1. Weird, wild, wacky and off the wall ideas are welcome.
2. Negativity is not welcome
3. Build on ideas. Don't shoot them down.
4. All ideas are welcome and respected.
5. Do not censor yourself. Just say it.
6. No interruptions from outside allowed (That includes cell phones).
7. Take a short break every hour.


To develop a minimum of 10 idea sketches every week, the student must first state the USP/SMP, develop a Mind-Map and then develop idea sketches. This process is repeated for all 8 weeks. The work is compiled chronologically in an A4 clear sheet folder and documented on the students’ eportfolio (online journal).


1. A4 Sketch papers, in an A4 Clear Sheet folder, documented logically and chronologically. The works must be labelled and dated.
2. All gathered information (failures, successes, epiphanies, sketches, visual research, printouts, websites, images, charts, etc.) documented logically and chronologically in the eportfolio for the duration of the project in one post.

To develop students ability to ideate effectively.

Ideas Sketches
Week 2
Fig 1.1

Fig 1.2

Fig 1.3

Week 3
Fig 1.4

Fig 1.5

Fig 1.6

Week 4

Fig 1.7

Fig 1.8

Fig 1.9

Week 5

Fig 1.10

Fig 1.11

Fig 1.12

Week 6

Fig 1.13

Fig 1.14

Fig 1.15

Week 7

Fig 1.16

Fig 1.17

Fig 1.18

Week 8

Fig 1.19

Fig 1.20

Fig 1.21

Week 1
Forum Questions

My answer

Week 2
Forum Questions

My answer

Week 3
Forum Questions

My answer

Week 4
Forum Questions

My answer

Week 5 
Forum Questions

My answer

Week 6
Forum Questions

My answer

In-class exercise
Week 3
1) Define and explain Demographic Segmentation.

(paired up with Gahyeong & Chia Ying)

Fig 2.1 Our Answer

Fig 2.2 Comments on FB post.

Modified answer after receiving feedback:
Demographics is the collection of data regarding a specific population. It is frequently used as a business marketing tool to determine the best way to reach customers and assess their behavior. Types of demographic information includes age, sex, income level, race, employment, location, home ownership and level of education. This is to ensure and determine whether its products and services are being targeted to the company's important consumers. Example fashion designers such as Zac Posen and Isaac Mizrahi have created affordable clothing and accessories, sold at Target (discount store), to reach customers who cannot afford their high-end, more expensive lines. 

2) Brainstorming a mind-map. 

(class discussion)
Fig 2.3

Mr. Vinod chose 'Japanese Speaking Classes' as the topic of the mind map. There were 2 keywords in this context, one which is "Japanese", second is "Speaking". So we started off with keyword "Japanese", all of us contributed ideas of what comes to our mind first when we see the keyword. Then following with "Speaking", we also contributed ideas and lastly, Mr. Vinod took 2 elements from different keywords and combine it together. This exercise is to show us how many possibilities we can get by combining 2 unrelated visuals into something new yet appropriate.

Week 5
1) Identifying Ad

(paired up with Chia Ying)
Fig 2.4

Fig 2.5

Fig 2.6

Dairy Champ
Mestilah! (Must!)

2) Creative Idea
Using surrealistic visuals to catch viewers’ attention.

3) Strategy
Using humour by combining local artists and local food that uses their product.

4) Ad Elements

One of the strength of the ad appeals to targeted audience (especially locals). The use of staple Malaysian food and beverages with the famous local comedians. Second strength is that they include their product in their ad and a showcase of ways the product can be use. Last strength is that they display their product and brand logo clearly and allows consumers to immediately identify in a supermarket or store and etc.

The first weakness that we observe is that the headlines doesn’t strongly support the visuals in the ad. Secondly, the visuals seems to be targeting a younger generation (with no purchasing power) instead of the consumer who is most likely an older audience. Lastly, information are everywhere and there is no clear sequence in relaying the message.

(paired up with Chia Ying)
Fig 2.7

Fig 2.8

Fig 2.9

Fig 2.10

Jika anda seorang mangsa (if you are the victim).

2) Creative Idea
Using real life situation as the visual to convey the message.

3) Strategy
Using a visual to show the situation or a visual that allows us to imagine what happens next. Emotions and empathy is also one of the strategy to get attention.

4) Ad Elements

One of the strength of the ad is using powerful visuals that allows viewers to know the situation or what is going to happen without directly showing it. Second strength is that they provided sufficient information for viewers and this allows viewers to respond immediately by either calling or checking out the website. Third strength is that the ad is emotionally-packed. This will trigger the viewer’s empathy by indirectly creating the connection of the viewer and the person in the ad (in this case, eye contact.).

The first weakness that we observe is that, there is inconsistency in message (headline). Second is that they only emphasize on one language, they should consider at least dual language considering that not all target audience understands the single language used in the ad. Lastly, they shouldn’t only focus on portraying that only ladies are the victims of violence, rape, harassment and etc. 

Alternative Ideas for AWAM Campaign
  • Use of logo for audience to identify the organisation immediately.
  • Use dual languages considering the audience is mostly multiracial and not everyone understands the language used.
  • Should include different gender and age group. (Not only ladies!)
  • Should stick to a clear message and use it consistently.
  • Instead of asking the victim to report the abuse or assault, they can raise awareness to also the abuser or offender to stop abusing or assaulting others.
  • Should take in consideration of younger audience by using simpler tagline in order for them to understand.

Week 6

1) We have learned about marketing being the action or business of promoting and selling, while advertising is the art of communication and persuasion. This video clip went viral recently: it shows a Volkswagen Polo ramming a Malaysian Police car from the back and then speeding off. The incident was recorded by a dashboard camera and was uploaded onto YouTube which then went viral on social media. Viral marketing/advertising (sometimes) uses a preexisting social phenomenon (like this incident) to advance a service or a product by leveraging on its popularity.

Task: Your task is to leverage on this incident that has gone viral on behalf of Volkswagen's Polo brand of cars, and increase the brand awareness of the car. You can approach this by using humour, wit, or any other means necessary and make play of the incident to ride on its popularity.

Client: Volkswagen
Medium: Online Web banner (336 x 280 pixels)
Deadline: 30min–1hr

News Portal: The Malaysian Insight, The Star Online, The Malay Mail Online, etc.
The ad will feature on the home page of the news sites and on the side of the online article featuring the incident.

(paired up with Chia Ying)
The footage of the accident.

2) For decades, we’ve been celebrating everyday ingenuity by inventing products to help fix, ship, mount, make and create. For every problem, there’s a solution. For every project, there’s the Scotch™ Brand.
Product: Scotch Tape
SMP: For every problem, there’s a solution. For every project, there’s the Scotch™ Brand.
Size: 134mm x 190mm

Create a quater page Ad. 

(paired up with Chia Ying)
Figure 5.7

Week 1 & 2 
General feedback: Create elegant designs. Come out with ideas of designers that are multi-disciplinary.
Individual feedback: Make it more relevant to the tagline. Relating it to the discipline. Lack connection. Making it different doesn't make it hybrid. Must include visual, tagline and logo.

Week 3
My sketches were visually interesting but not memorable. One of it was interesting, it works but not sure if its relatable to the target audience. One of it might have copyright issues so to avoid that, I can combine or create a new character for it. Instead of using types of personalities, one of my classmate suggested to use tarot cards. Lastly, the sketch with the pie chart may not have to look like a traditional pie chart. Choose things that is unexpected and see if it relates.

Week 4
One of the sketches can be explored further. Can be done in a way for example, within the square is everything normal but outside the square are things that are different. The inside can be a caterpillar and the outside can be a butterfly. I need to think deeper and leverage to come out with something good. Exploit aspects of hybrid and what can portray that. Although not all sketches are impactful and good, but the sketches were nice.

Week 5
One of the sketches can be explored further. Can be done in a way for example, within the square is everything normal but outside the square are things that are different. The inside can be a catepillar and the outside can be a butterfly. I need to think deeper and leverage to come out with something good. Exploit aspects of hybrid and what can portray that. Although not all sketches are impactful and good, but the sketches were nice.

Week 6 
The box with origami flying out can be replaced with tissue and the drawings should be more like the previous one because its not as interesting as last weeks' sketch. Come up with a strong tagline to support it. The one using superhero characters might have copyright issues but the idea is creative. Maybe the characters can be modified to not look directly like the original characters but yet able to give people the idea of which character is it. For example, using silhouettes of the character or use the most recognisable item or clothing they wear, like superman's cape. This will not have copyright issues and also able to give people the idea of which character is it.

Week 1 & 2
The first half of the lecture was easy to take in and effective. I observed that during the first half of the lecture, everyone was more responsive compared to the last half of the lecture. This is also because we didn't had class for week 1, therefore we had to continuously go through week 1 and week 2 lecture in a day. The open discussion for the 10 sketches we did was fine for the first because we were a rather small group. 

I realized that requires tons of understanding, research and churning ideas. I struggle a lot and spent lots of time trying to come out with ideas. This module demands quantity and quality and that is the challenge for all of us. 

In the lecture, we learned about learn what is advertising, what is its purpose, who uses it and Bill Bernach's 10 principles in advertising. So, advertising is a tool of marketing and marketing is a tool of business, where advertising seeks to make aware, persuade, communicate or create and image brand for a product, service or organisation, at a price. Mr. Vinod gave us few names to look up in the internet on other designers' work. William Bernbach, who designed the VW Beetle ad campaign that Mr. Vinod posted in the slides. David Oglivy, who is famous for his written advertising book. McCann Erikson, a global advertising agency network and J. Walter Thompson, formerly an advertising agency, but currently a marketing communications company. Simple is difficult. The ultimate goal is to cut through the bullshits, identify a gap and get to the core. If the advertisement does not turn heads, its not good enough. Advertising needs to have personality, it has to jump out of billboards or screens. 

Week 3
This week's class felt like it was never-ending. However,  this week's lecture was much easier to absorb compared to last week's. I also thought having more in-class exercises makes classes more interesting and it sort of gives us a break from the overwhelming information from the lecture. This week, we covered creativity, consumer market and decoding. It's actually a lot to take in in a day so it was really exhausting. After the lecture,  we did an open discussion to share our idea sketches as per usual. This week's feedback from my fellow classmates and Mr. Vinod was fairly better than last week's as we understood more about the SMP. While doing the sketches, my idea bank really squeezed to the maximum and I really couldn't come out with better ideas.

I realized in this week's open discussion on our idea sketches, we as a class, really opened up a lot and everyone was saying something, regardless positive or negative comments. We all start to not only comment but also start throwing ideas and I think this is a very effective way of churning ideas and also helped us widen our perspective on seeing things by viewing from other people's perspective.

In today's class, we discussed about how developing higher thinking skills is important in advertising. We have a fraction of a second to allow readers to decide to continue reading or not. The strongest hook (insight) is a visually driven one. Mr. Vinod explained "Creativity is madness.", he stated that if we don't stick out of the crowd, then we lack madness, we have to be off the hinge to be creative. I especially loved the statement Mr. Vinod said during lecture today, was that happiness have to be dependent on ourselves. I find I work best and churn ideas when I'm doing or focusing on other work, so for me, sitting down trying to fill in the 10 sketches doesn't work on me because I wouldn't be able to come out with good ideas. So, my ideas come half way through doing other assignments, while I'm eating even when I'm using my phone, scrolling through social medias. Mr. Vinod asked us to google "Science World Advertising Campaign" to understand how a campaign is different from a single ad. A campaign has legs and can be used in different context without changing the message.

Further reference

Online reading materials

1) Clever Ad Campaign Invites Viewers To Explore Everyday Science

2)Clever Ads Show That Science Can be Fun

Books read throughout the semester


Creative Advertising

by Mario Pricken
In this book, they talked about formulating a great goal. There are seven basic points in formulating a goal successfully:

  • A goal should always involve a single-minded proposition. 
  • A goal should have no 'ands'. 
  • A goal is always a question. 
  • A goal should be short and snappy. 
  • A goal should be simple enough for a twelve-year-old to understand it. 
  • A goal should avoid using jargon or foreign words possible. 
  • A goal should be formulated in a way that the clients will accept and take forward. 

Another topic that I find relevant is ideas, we have to switch on all five senses, be curios and explore. The book uses the term "Ping-Pong with ideas" meaning ideas is best practiced with players (in a group). This increases the flow of ideas and criticizing ideas at the same time. Turning negatives into positives. Create ideas by the hundreds and develop a sense of humor. After having a pool of ideas, we can start to play with it because not all good ideas fits in a matchbox, meaning evaluate and select ideas. Lastly, implementing into reality.


New Techniques for Visual Seduction
by Uwe Stoklossa

From this book, I found a advertising campaign for a design company named TDH by advertising agency named Cathedral The Creative Centre, Madrid. The ad is a visually driven one with a tagline. So in this ad, they used outlines of brands and products that have succeeded in planting their image so firmly in our memories that they can be identified by means of their shape alone. With the tagline to enhance and explain what it means. The SMP for this ad is "The Power Of Design". 

Fig 4.1 Page 145

100 Best in Advertising 2011
edited by B. Martin Pedersen

One of the advertising campaign that I found in this book was Scrabble. Ad agency - JWT Chile, Santiago. For client - Scrabble. Page - 140. This advertisement campaign is a visually driven one without taglines. The agency was given a very minimal budget and the client requested to emphasize on the nature of the game itself: form words with random letters. The approach was the challenge to do something very public, as to compensate for the lack of exhibition opportunities, with an idea that was so remarkable that it calls our attention. The big idea was to only use fractionated images to show the essence of the game. This ad has been given a large number of creative awards, while it did not generate significant revenue, it contributed much to the reputation of the brand.

Fig 4.2 Page 140

Fig 4.3 Page 141

One Show
by unknown

This book celebrates all of the qualities that go into making a successful ad campaign or design. The book includes pages more than 1,600 four-color images from the finalists and winning entries, insider perspectives from the Gold Pencil winners, a spotlight on the Client of the Year, the college competition winners, and a look into the judging process with a Judge's Choice section. This edition features the very best work from around the world from the 2008 One Show and One Show Design contests. It includes categories from print, design, integrated branding, television, and radio. this book is the must-have annual for creatives, clients, students, and anyone interested in advertising and design.

Fig 1.17  Page 24

This page is extracted from the book. This particular ad caught my attention. The client is Burger King and it is advertising their "Angus Burgers Buddies - For Kids Only". The visual shows adult men crying. I thought it is very smart and works very well even without a line supporting it. The visual tells it all. It is visually interesting and attracts attention too. The approach is humor and hilarity (although it shows men crying). This ad won a couple of awards too.

Fig 1.18 Page 52

This is also extracted from the book. I find this ad campaign impactful and strong. The client is WWF Japan, advertising campaign is to raise awareness on animal extinction. The visual shows photographs of endangered species animals that are close to extinction in low pixel density (large pixels). For example, the photograph of fox ones says "440 is not enough.". It is implicating that 440 foxes is not enough, at the same time is shows a 440 pixels photograph of a fox. Same idea but it is applied to 4 different endangered animals. The visuals are still identifiable despite having low pixel density. The approach is witty and the headline supports the visuals strongly.

Designing Brand Identity
by Alina Wheeler

This book is the fourth edition and it offers insights into current trends in social networks, mobile devices, global markets, and virtual brands as well as emerging tools such as apps and video. It teaches a three-phase process for amplifying differentiation, fueling recognition, and building brand champions. Divided into 3 parts, learning basics, process and best practices. In part 1, it presents the fundamental concepts needed to jump start the brand identity process and create a shared vocabulary for the entire team. Part 2 presents a universal brand identity process regardless of the project's scope and nature. This section answers the question "Why does it take so long?". Lastly, part 3, this part showcases best practices. Local and global, public and private, these projects inspire and exemplify original, flexible, lasting solutions.

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