Developing Comm Design Expertise: Illustration

by - June 11, 2018

Leanne Faye
Assessment: Illustration

Illustration: 33.3%

The Project Brief
New Academic Street Location Drawing:
This activity involves reflecting on the life of the RMIT New Academic Street.
Your engagement and exploration within this environment is crucial.

A series of drawings that explores space, place and the social uses of space.
A printed outcome of this drawing series in a reduced scale to test how your illustrations function in various visual outcomes.
This activity will contribute to further workshops.
Suggested Approaches To Responding To The New Academic Street
Be aware of the mood of your chosen area and think about what medium and drawing application best suits your ideas about the space.

> Should you be working in sketch form or rendering your responses tonally?
> Do you want to think about the space in a storyboarded way?
> How does perpective function in the way that you represent your space?
> Where is your eye level in relation to viewing this world?
Key concepts/words
Place, Purpose, Self, Other, Visual Representation, Drawing, Imagination, Experimentation, Form.

Silhouettes, Portraiture and Narration
Create a personality and articulate the context they inhabit.

1. a silhouette that explores portraiture and narration
2. a printout of your final silhouette on A4 paper, including a short rationale

A printed outcome of this drawing series in a reduced scale to test how your illustrations function in various outcomes. This activity will contribute to the following workshop.

Experimentation with the silhouette
Explore portraiture and narration through cutting, tearing and possibly using a variety of flat coloured surfaces to form a story.

Think of the relationship between the silhouetted elements and how they are framed within the shape of the page.

Who is the personality or identity you are creating?
In what way do their features and shaped articulate their personality?

Draw a projected profile onto black paper before cutting and focus on articulating the shapes of edges to form the silhouette. To see your edges being clearly cut, place the cut paper over a contrasting colour or plain white at regular intervals.

Are they good, evil, benign, powerful, fashionable, grotesque or cool?

What is your personality doing or communicating?
For example: love, forgiveness, anger, power, playfulness or spontaneity.

Key concepts/words
Narrative, Expression, Self, Other, Visual Representation, Portrait, Play, Identity, Personality, Object, Symbolism.

Commemoration (a series of stamps)

Illustrate a set of 4 stamps commemorating an individual, organisation
or historical event of your choice.

The sequential visual narrative is a key element in the success of your
stamps. Although each stamp needs to work on an individual level, the
four stamps also have to work together to create a series that tells a
story about your subject matter.

To support the visual narrative, incorporate a short (100 word) written
explanation of the individual, organisation or event you have chosen to
commemorate, celebrate and recognise.

As you work through this brief, continually test your imagery at a small
scale. Gain an understanding of the scale you will need to employ to
create the original artwork, for this illustration work to reproduce
successfully at postage stamp size. This is going to vary for the
individual, depending upon the sort of imagery you make.

Research & Knowledge
Investigate illustration mediums, including conventional
and non-conventional approaches

integrate a broad and deep range of illustration and design skills for
professional and creative problem solving

explore design practice using illustration

set of 4 stamps and 100 word rationale (designed on one page)
each stamp must include the word Australia and $1
submit your back-up work along with any relevant research material
upload your project to Canvas as a multi-page pdf

Due Dates
week 4 | week 8 | week 12
upload to Canvas for online assessment

Final Presentation Slides

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